Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cats Nextdoor

Hello everyone. It’s Usagi here.


Here are the cats who live next door, Frieda & Radar.


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They are former actors who appeared in the movie “Little Women” (1994), like little celebrities. They have already retired from the entertainment industry but are still so gorgeous that we can’t believe that they are 17 years old.


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Andy is good with cats, but when Andy first met them on our balcony, both Frieda & Radar ran away to their apartment. Sure, it would be very scary to see this huge dog who has a head as big as your body.


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However, since then the distance between Andy and the 2 cats getting (although very slowly but surely) shorter. When Frieda sees Andy on the balcony she still doesn’t want get too close to him but she jumps on the dividing garden wall and they stare at each other for a long time. Whereas Radar crosses the garden half way to examine Andy, then when Andy pretends to be “Not interested in you” Radar almost traverses the whole garden to get onto our balcony.

しかし、その後、少~しずつですが、Andyと猫ちゃんたちの距離は近くなってきました。フリーダちゃんは、ベランダで顔を合わせると、Andyの姿がよく見 えるよう花壇に上って、お互いじぃ~~~っと見つめあってます。。。レイダーくんは、Andyがベランダにいると、花壇の中まで歩いてきてAndyの様子 を伺い、Andyが「知らん顔するふり」をすると、こちらのベランダに入る直前まで近づくようになりました。

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I hope to see them all on the balcony enjoying nap together one day soon.


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