Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Present for Andy

Danny here,

This Christmas, Andy got one of his favorite toys. The “squeaking Toast” with the strange face. Andy is so happy biting the toast and he shakes it madly. When he is playing with it, Usagi or I need to keep an eye on him otherwise he tears into it and within minutes eats the cotton inside of it.


とってもヘンな顔の「特大トースト」。くわえると「キューキュー」と鳴きま す。Andyはくわえたトーストをブンブン振り回して、超ゴキゲン。ただ、ほおっておくと10分もしないうちにトーストを引きちぎって中のコットンを食べ てしまうので、このおもちゃで遊ぶ時は、必ず私かUsagiが一緒です。

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It’s only been 3 days since we gave him this toast and already he's destroyed the squeaker part so the toast is now just like a cushion. Still, Andy loves his toast. After he plays with it, he holds it with his front paws and naps with it.


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Saturday, December 25, 2010

It was the night before Christmas

Hello everyone. It’s Usagi here.


Before dawn, I heard that Andy was walking in the living room. I thought he needed some water, but what I heard was him rustling paper, instead of drinking water. I had a suspicious feeling and checked what he was doing. I found Andy poking the Christmas presents under the tree. When I said “Oi!” he looked at me with a kind of a guilty face and quietly went back to his bed. I wonder if even dogs wonder what those presents are.

夜明け前に、Andyがリビングに歩いて行く足音がしたので、水でも飲んでいるのだろうと思ったら、「ペチャペチャ」と水を飲む音の代わりに、カサカサと 紙を触るような音が。変だなと思い、そっとリビングを覗いてみると、Andyがクリスマスツリーの下に積んであるプレゼントを鼻でつついるところでした。 「おい」と声をかけると、「…ごめん」という顔をして、こそこそと自分のベッドへもどって行きました。犬でもプレゼントが気になるのでしょうか。。。

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

More snow

Hello everyone. It’s Usagi here.


Since we had the first snow it has been sunny for several days, but it’s been extremely cold. On one day in particular the maximum temperature was minus 4 degrees.


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We were just thinking “well, it was lucky there wasn't a lot of snow” Then, today there was a huge snow fall! Andy was out on the balcony to taste the new snow (he loves eating snow). During his walk, he leaped into the thick new snow, enjoying the early arrival of winter.


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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snow in Autumn

Hi , Danny here.


Yesterday, I woke up and looked outside through the window, and saw the area covered with snow. It is still November but we have already had our first snow. Andy couldn't wait to go for a walk as he loves snow.


The weather forecast says that during the week the temperature will drop below zero degrees.
This winter will be so cold…


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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cats Nextdoor

Hello everyone. It’s Usagi here.


Here are the cats who live next door, Frieda & Radar.


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They are former actors who appeared in the movie “Little Women” (1994), like little celebrities. They have already retired from the entertainment industry but are still so gorgeous that we can’t believe that they are 17 years old.


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Andy is good with cats, but when Andy first met them on our balcony, both Frieda & Radar ran away to their apartment. Sure, it would be very scary to see this huge dog who has a head as big as your body.


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However, since then the distance between Andy and the 2 cats getting (although very slowly but surely) shorter. When Frieda sees Andy on the balcony she still doesn’t want get too close to him but she jumps on the dividing garden wall and they stare at each other for a long time. Whereas Radar crosses the garden half way to examine Andy, then when Andy pretends to be “Not interested in you” Radar almost traverses the whole garden to get onto our balcony.

しかし、その後、少~しずつですが、Andyと猫ちゃんたちの距離は近くなってきました。フリーダちゃんは、ベランダで顔を合わせると、Andyの姿がよく見 えるよう花壇に上って、お互いじぃ~~~っと見つめあってます。。。レイダーくんは、Andyがベランダにいると、花壇の中まで歩いてきてAndyの様子 を伺い、Andyが「知らん顔するふり」をすると、こちらのベランダに入る直前まで近づくようになりました。

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I hope to see them all on the balcony enjoying nap together one day soon.


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Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween is coming

Hi everyone. It’s Danny here.


The horror week for Andy is beginning again. Yes, it’s Halloween and he doesn’t like fireworks.


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If you are visiting this site from Japan, you would be surprise to know that in Canada we can only use fireworks at home on particular days decided by law (Another thing to know is that fireworks for home use here are bigger and louder compared to those sold in Japan). The town we live in has a regulation which says we can enjoy fireworks at home only during the Halloween season. So now we can see lots of stores with huge “FIREWORKS” signs around town.


Halloween is still a week away but people are already setting off fireworks, and the noise makes Andy very anxious. Just one “Bang” will have Andy on his feet and running to Usagi. Then, he just follows Usagi around wherever she goes. When he hears 2 or 3 fireworks he hides under the table where Usagi is working and refuses to go for a walk with me. (though he always refuses to go for a walk with me anyway)


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Our friends, who have a dog, actually leave town for Halloween every year as their dog gets really nervous. We may do this next year.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

What's a SPA?

Hello everyone. It’s Usagi here. Let me finish the rest of the story from the other day.


The taxi stopped very closed to the Vets, so it seemed Andy thought “Do I have to go the VET again?”


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But the place we were heading today was not the vets but a grooming shop we were using for the first time. Andy usually uses a grooming shop belonging to the animal shelter where Andy came from but it was fully booked today, so we decided to use this shop today. The reason we choose it was we just happened to have a discount voucher…Though Danny would like to emphasize that “according the voucher the shop is not just an ordinary grooming shop. It’s a Dog Spa. SPA!”


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In the grooming shop, there were some dogs who had just finished their grooming, and, as here it is a “spa” some of them had really unique hairstyles. Looking at a poodle with lots of pom-poms on her head, Danny told the groomer “Ah..just an ordinary style will be fine for Andy”


It seemed a full grooming here takes 3 hours, which includes bath (it is called a “Hydro massage” here), hair cut, blow dry and nail clipping. In addition to that, this SPA has a “Blueberry Facial Scrub”


Andy became really clean and beautiful. The Scrub made his face silky smooth. Even his paws, which were like rocks, became soft.


I wanted to have a facial treatment and have my rock solid heels treated at the spa.


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This spa also has a “Spa Lounge” where dogs can play with other dogs after grooming.


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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Taxi Ride

Hello everyone. It’s Danny here.
If you have a large dog you naturally have a car which has enough space for your dog, right?


We don’t have a car. So we use a taxi when Andy needs a ride. A regular people taxi.


We book a taxi several hours before hand. I make a call to the taxi company we usually use and ask them "Can I have a pet friendly taxi at ** o’clock?" The company already has our information in their computer so the operator replies "You are with a German Shepherd. OK. The taxi will be there at **o’clock"
When the taxi is approaching our place they notify us by calling. Andy somehow knows the call is from the taxi company and it makes him so excited. Yes, he loves car rides. His tail goes back and forth, and he almost pulls Usagi over trying to run outside of the apartment to the waiting car.


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When the taxi arrives, I set up Andy’s car seat cover. His seat cover is always very popular amongst taxi drivers. I am often told that "there are not many dogs who use this kind of cover. Where did you get it?" Once a taxi driver told me that "I have had a dog passenger who had just been playing in water and got into the taxi with muddy paws!"


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When Andy goes for a taxi ride, the destination is usually one of these three.
● Grooming Shop ●Animal Hospital ●Dog hotel or Day care.
I'll tell you where we went in the next post.

●グルーマー ●動物病院 ●ドッグホテル/デイケア

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Andy occasionally takes a taxi which accommodates a wheel chair.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

She's Back!

Hello everyone. Usagi here.


I came back from Tokyo. As soon as I opened the front door I got Andy’s enthusiastic welcome back greeting. He wagged his tale so energetically back and forth I thought it would fly off, so I immediately took him for a walk. When we got back I gave him some souvenirs (such as banana waffles & rice crackers for dogs), but then I went to bed and fell into a deep sleep because of jet lag. During the next day I napped again, almost for the whole day. Andy, who loves having a nap, accompanied me but Danny took a picture of me sleeping with a terrible face.


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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Where is Usagi?

Hello everyone. It’s Danny here.


Andy has been feeling blue since Usagi left.


During the first 2 days she's been gone, Andy didn't sleep in his bed at night. Instead he was lying down by the front door waiting for her to come back. From the 3rd day he gave up waiting by the door but he often checks the bedroom and bathroom in case she came back while he was taking a nap.


Because he is feeling down, I give more treats and play with him more than usual but it seems that I’m not enough for him... Usagi~~ we wish you’d come home soon~.


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Monday, August 16, 2010

Going somewhere?

Hello everyone. It’s Usagi here.


Actually, I’m going to Tokyo tomorrow. I bought some maple syrup and maple cookies and other stuff to take as souvenirs. When I got home today I started to put things into my suitcase. Then, as usual, Andy’s “Hey…are you going somewhere?” started.


While I was putting things into my luggage, he stuck by my suite case and didn’t move. He sometimes looked at me with his face looking all worried about something.


But his behavior is better than before. The first time I was preparing for a trip after we got Andy, he was walking around my suitcase whimpering. Now, he's like “I still don’t like her going but at least she’ll be back so I'll try to bare with it”


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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Eating pumpkin

Hello everyone. It’s Danny here.


Recently, Andy had a diarrhea again. He is healthy but he has a sensitive stomach and sometimes gets diarrhea quite easily. The cause can be eating a mountain of treats at a friends’ house or eating a beetle he found on the balcony…


We don’t have a yard so when Andy has diarrhea, the number of “poop breaks” he takes increases. When he gets the “Oh no. It’s coming~~”, he goes to Usagi to appeal desperately. He feels better after a walk but after a few hours he starts to feel “a second wave” and then “a third wave”. Once he gets outside he doesn't poop immediately. He runs desperately to one of his “poop spots”to do his business. He could poop anywhere outside but he has definite poop spots he has to use.


When he has diarrhea, he can’t eat any treats or regular food. Instead he is given canned pumpkin which is his favorite for breakfast & supper. When he had a diarrhea first time, his vet and trainer both told us about this remedy, and it actually works (we don’t know if this works for all dogs). It’s already been 3 years since I've been buying canned pumpkin at a store across the road whenever Andy has diarrhea. When I bought some canned pumpkin the other day, a lady at the cashier said “You really love making a pumpkin pie!”


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Canned pumpkin is usually used for making pumpkin pie so it is found in the baking and confectionery section.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Post

Hello everyone. We are Danny & Usagi.
We are blogging with Andy the German shepherd
from a town in western Canada.

As we (2 people and a dog) are all so relaxed
we have no idea how often this blog could be updated
but please come visit this site sometimes to see our life in Canada.

