Saturday, August 7, 2010

Eating pumpkin

Hello everyone. It’s Danny here.


Recently, Andy had a diarrhea again. He is healthy but he has a sensitive stomach and sometimes gets diarrhea quite easily. The cause can be eating a mountain of treats at a friends’ house or eating a beetle he found on the balcony…


We don’t have a yard so when Andy has diarrhea, the number of “poop breaks” he takes increases. When he gets the “Oh no. It’s coming~~”, he goes to Usagi to appeal desperately. He feels better after a walk but after a few hours he starts to feel “a second wave” and then “a third wave”. Once he gets outside he doesn't poop immediately. He runs desperately to one of his “poop spots”to do his business. He could poop anywhere outside but he has definite poop spots he has to use.


When he has diarrhea, he can’t eat any treats or regular food. Instead he is given canned pumpkin which is his favorite for breakfast & supper. When he had a diarrhea first time, his vet and trainer both told us about this remedy, and it actually works (we don’t know if this works for all dogs). It’s already been 3 years since I've been buying canned pumpkin at a store across the road whenever Andy has diarrhea. When I bought some canned pumpkin the other day, a lady at the cashier said “You really love making a pumpkin pie!”


click to enlarge the photo

Canned pumpkin is usually used for making pumpkin pie so it is found in the baking and confectionery section.


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